I'm New

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.

Ephesians 2:8 NKJV

Grace Covenant Community Church is a place for everyone – the young, the seasoned, those who believe, those who struggle with faith…

Welcome home!

Worshipping God

Grace – it’s a powerful gift! It cannot be earned, but we’re determined to share it! Grace shapes our church and fuels our worship. You will feel welcomed when you walk through the door. You will experience a life-changing Word.

Building People

Grace Covenant is uniquely positioned to reach, teach, and equip people from all walks of life.

We’re in Baton Rouge, LA, a river city with many ethnic and cultural influences. The city also has two universities and one community college, making it home to many young people.

Serving Mankind

Jesus served…and so do we! Service extends grace to our community and demonstrates the love of Christ.

More About Us

Grace Covenant joined the community of faith in 2012. Our broad mission is to “share the Kingdom of God, one relationship at a time.” Our leader is Pastor Brandon Smith – man of faith, family, and community

Grace Covenant is affiliated with the Church of God in Christ, Inc (Louisiana East First Jurisdiction).